For as long as I can remember, people have told me things.
All sorts of things. Not just superficial or fun stories, but deeply moving and honest tales that reveal what excites, motivates, scares, and attracts them.
And I love it.
I'm a naturally curious person, so I'm fascinated to learn what makes people tick. I find the spark in each person and shine a spotlight on it so that others are drawn—like me—to their presence.
That said, I delight in finding unique ways to share someone’s story. To learn mine, keep scrolling (and reading). You’ll also find several versions of my bio, including this more traditional biography if that’s your thing.
about me
Let's be honest: most About pages suck.
Sure, they list bios, chronological work experience, and education but they’re often dry and personality-free.
Worse, they really don’t help you understand the person you’re trying to find more, well, about.
I'd like to remedy that.
To me, writing isn't about writing; it's about listening. This is central to my creative being and inspired one of my most popular pieces.
My WHY (a la Simon Sinek) is Inspiring Transformation.
I’ve had a somewhat “accidental career.” What I mean is that my career has been anything but linear. I’ve gone after things that seemed interesting and explored new opportunities when they presented themselves, even (and sometimes, especially) if they were a bit scary and challenged me.
I've worked in advertising, marketing, communications, branding and travel/tourism, and in every instance, my parents never quite knew what I did for a living. (They’re getting closer.)
I’ve always been in the middle. It’s the best place to connect and it's where I do my best work. From a very young age (and as a middle kid), I had to learn to be an excellent communicator. Observer. Facilitator. Collaborative and creative leader. This skill set has served me well.
My favorite thing to do as a child was to create. Still is.
I can’t snap with my left hand, but I haven’t let it hold me back.
I find inspiration in the everyday moments of life, connecting seemingly disparate things to create something new and wonderful.
Me as a busy pre-schooler, creating a masterpiece. (You can tell I'm concentrating because my tongue is sticking out.)
I'm never too far from the water
With my favorite beverage
With my furry co-pilot, Rigby
Here are some things THAt I LOve:
Positive transformation in any form, especially when helping someone present their best self
Expressing myself
Being told that I’ve inspired someone (the highest compliment)
Learning new things from interesting people I encounter
Water, in any form. Whether I'm drinking it, immersed in it, or gazing upon its beauty, I'm a fan.
Post-it® notes and whiteboards
Traveling the world and discovering new favorite places
Pilot® G-2 .07 blue pens and pads for taking handwritten notes
Witty banter with clever people
Chips and guacamole
Playing co-ed volleyball
Peet’s® almond milk lattes with cinnamon steamed into the milk (dubbed "The Amy" by my local Peet's®, which inspired a popular article on branding)
My awesome friends and family, including my yellow lab, Rigby
Always seeing the possibilities
And some that bum me out:
Closed-minded thinking ("We’ve always done it this way.”)
Pepperoni (Sorry, not a fan.)
Trying to be all things to all people
Event planning (Please don’t make me – it’s like you’re punishing me!)
Doing the same thing, day after day, week after week
Clowns (They're evil.)
Settling for good enough
Phew! Don’t you feel like you know more about me now?
Psst… I have a few versions of my bio:
The short one (under 75 words):
Amy Blaschka has made a career offering “stories as a service,” from her degree in film to her three decades spent branding products, places, and people. She’s a social media ghostwriter who helps founders craft their stories to communicate and connect better, magnifying their reach and impact. (Think personal branding and thought leadership.) A longtime Leadership Contributor for Forbes, Amy regularly shares content through her popular Illuminate Me newsletter and active social media channels.
The one that’s a little longer (under 150 words):
Amy Blaschka has made a career offering “stories as a service.” From her degree in film to her three decades spent branding products, places, and people, to founding her strategic writing practice, Amy has always understood the power of weaving a compelling tale. These days, she’s a social media ghostwriter who helps founders craft their stories to communicate and connect better, magnifying their reach and impact. (Think personal branding and thought leadership.) Amy also writes engaging, original, and authentic career stories for her clients to position them for success and change how others perceive, pay, partner with, and promote them. As a longtime Leadership Contributor for Forbes, Amy covers personal transformation and its impact on career growth. She also regularly creates and shares original content through her popular Illuminate Me newsletter and active social media channels.
And the longer, more traditional bio here.
Hey, if you’ve made it this far, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter, Illuminate Me.